Monday, March 15, 2010

A longing for spring and Meyer Lemon petit fours

Apologies for my lack of posting recently. This dreary winter weather saps a lot of motivation out of one's mind and soul. Everything can become quite gray if you let it.  Well, I'm fighting back this gloom by filling myself up with thoughts of spring, thoughts of the colors and fruits I'll soon be seeing at the farmers markets, thoughts of life.

Another rainy day called for A and I to spend a Saturday in the museum.  A loved the miniature collection that featured miniature furniture, miniature wall furnishings, even miniature table settings. He kept saying "it's so cute, it's so cute!" So I decided to surprise him by making miniature desserts tonight--desserts that I wanted to fill with spring flavors and spring thoughts. Tart shells that I filled with lemon cream and fruit. He loved the way they looked and couldn't wait to pop one in his little mouth. (The big tart was for me). With a dessert like this on the table, spring is already here.

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