Well, it's that time of the year again. The time where A's class celebrates his 1/2 birthday (sob). As per custom, I am responsible to provide 24 treats providing that it is NOT cake, pizza, or cupcakes. Not wanting to feed 24 children ice cream or give them a sugar shock at 8:45 in the morning, I opted to make Madeleines, small shell-shaped tea cakes with a cute bump on top that you will see in absolutely every single french bakery in Paris. I struggled with whether I should make the regular sized Madeleines or the tiny pop- in- your- mouth- in- one- bite ones. In the end, I opted for the traditional sized ones, thinking that the kids would probably eat half of one at best. So it was a shock to me that after they did their little birthday ritual this morning (which consisted of going through how many times the earth has revolved around the sun since he's been born; having him lay out all the months of the year leading up to his birthday; and singing a little song to him) that every single one of those children in his class finished all of them. Not one crumb left. I was pleased as punch. It's a good thing I have some extra at home for an after school snack--for A that is.
getting help from a little aid......
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