Sunday, September 13, 2009

Chocolate Mousse Cake with Strawberry Rose Filling

Some days, a girl just needs chocolate. This fine Sunday morning is one of those days for me. No party to go to, no guests for dinner, just me, some free time and my whisk. So I wanted to try out a chocolate mousse cake.  I also wanted to try out my strawberry rose jam from Fauchon that I got on a recent trip to Paris.  Combining them seemed like the perfect idea.  

With the genoise sponge cake bottom, airy yet rich chocolate mousse, and strawberry rose jam filling, a red wine should be a surprisingly luscious partner.  Look for a light to medium bodied vino from the New World with a touch of Old World characteristics.  A 2007 Pinot Noir by Lange, from the  Willamette Valley, Oregon, would be a great match.  It has bright red fruits--strawberries, raspberries, currants, as well as elegant floral and earth nuances on the back palate.  No signs of heavy oak except for a whisper of coffee and dark chocolate--as silky as the dessert itself.

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